R Markdown


Part A. Extract and cleaning GBIF Literature

We extract GBIF Literature using our gbifliterature R package.

gbif_lit_list <- 2000:2022 %>%
gbif_lit_df <- gbif_lit_list %>% purrr::reduce(dplyr::bind_rows)

gbif_lit_df <- gbif_lit_df %>%
  dplyr::filter(abstract != "(no abstract available)")

gbif_lit_df_abstracts_language <- gbif_lit_df %>%
  dplyr::select(title, abstract, year, topics) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(language = textcat::textcat(abstract))
gbif_lit_df_abstracts_english <- gbif_lit_df_abstracts_language %>% filter(language == "english")

Part B. Document Term Matrix

In this part we process all the abstracts and create a vocabulary using text2vec R packages.

We must be care to remove non english characters and stopping words.

After that we create a Document term matrix using create_dtm function from text2vec package

Abstracts <- gbif_lit_df_abstracts_english$abstract

it = text2vec::itoken(Abstracts,
                           preprocessor = prep_fun,
                           tok_fun = word_tokenizer,
                           progressbar = FALSE)
stop_words <- unlist(stopwords::data_stopwords_nltk)

v <-  text2vec::create_vocabulary(it,
                                  ngram = c(1L, 3L),
                                  stopwords = stop_words)
v <- v %>% dplyr::filter(!grepl(pattern = "^[0-9]", .data$term ))
v <- v %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(pattern = "^[a-z]", .data$term ))
v <- v %>% dplyr::filter(stringi::stri_enc_isascii(term))
v <- v %>% dplyr::filter(nchar(term) >=  3)

pruned_vocab = text2vec::prune_vocabulary(v, term_count_min = 10,
                                          doc_count_min = 10)
vectorizer <-  text2vec::vocab_vectorizer(pruned_vocab)
dtm  <-  text2vec::create_dtm(it, vectorizer)

We evaluate lda_model using the document term matrix.

lda_model <-  LDA$new(n_topics = 10,
                      doc_topic_prior = 0.1,
                      topic_word_prior = 0.01)

doc_topic_distr <-  lda_model$fit_transform(x = dtm, n_iter = 1000,
                                            convergence_tol = 0.001,
                                            n_check_convergence = 25,
                                            progressbar = FALSE)
lda_model$get_top_words(n = 10, topic_number = c(1:10), lambda = 0.4)

Finally we get a plot with the words associated to each topic.


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